Services and Policies

Opening hours

Sinharaja Forest Model is open from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on weekdays except on public holidays. The entrance is free, however, make sure to obtain permission. Permission can either be obtained online by filling and emailing the form available at the given link to the following email addresses or through a written request.

Download consent form
Fill out the consent form and email it to or


  • Serves as an outdoor laboratory to teach biology, applied psychology, and many more courses.

  • Provision of material for laboratory classes in University

  • Provision of resources for research.

  • Resource for outreach programs for training teachers and students on concepts in ecology.

  • The resource to develop positive attitudes towards nature conservation.


  • Make sure to obtain permission from the Head/Department of Botany or Guardian prior to your visit. (Fill in and submit the form available at (given link) or submit a written request).

  • Respect Nature - Do not vandalize. Do not carve your names on the tree barks, rocks, etc.

  • Leave No Trace – Do not litter the area. Leave only your footprint, and take only the pictures!

  • Do not play music - sing or shout during your visit. This can affect the behavior of animals inhabiting the area.

  • Please make sure that you are well attired (e.g. covered shoes).